Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Winter Wonderland ; )

(This is what is looks like here) smashingmagazine.com
 I thought it was becoming spring, but noooo..lol. Its like a snow globe here! Helppppp!lol. So I missed school today! Yes right? But I still doubt that I am going anywhere today.lol. My little sister is getting so big, this morning The Mickey Mouse clubhouse was playing in the background.lol. She loves that show...I think I might be getting a cold, or maybe just a stuffed up nose. Its still snowing outside. I cleaned my room yesterday well partly ways.lol I still have things on the floor.lol. I been doing my nails alot lately...and their fake, but I think their pretty cool.


  1. Just wanted to pop over say thank you for your compliments on my Valentine's Day Lollipops. They are so cute and super delicious. Give em a try:)

  2. alrighty I will! And your welcome...
