Thursday, December 15, 2011

Its begining to feel alot like christmas...

Only like 2 more weeks til Christmas, and then yes presents, family and friends. I worked with my horse yesterday, it was soo much fun! I had a final today and tomorrow in math, stressing lots but thinking that i did okay so, i hope. It snowed yesterday and has been snowing off and on, everyone says that they dont like the snow,Christmas wouldn't be Christmas unless there was snow all around. I love Christmas time! Its my favorite Holiday, the family, friends and relatives all together, the fireplace warming you up, Hot cocoa, a Christmas movie, presents being opened, smiling faces, everything you love about one day.

1 comment:

  1. hey love. i hope your finals went well. i'm sure you nailed them. thanks for another fabulous post, love. if you get a sec, I'd love to hear what you think of my latest. xo
