Monday, April 16, 2012

Look of The Week!!!

Look of the Week!!!

  First the Hair: Check it out! It's the perfect hair to do randomly with a couple of braids tucked lightly in your hair.
P.S. Dont you just love her makeup also...

 Second the Top: Were gonna go witha flowy Laced dress to go with anything you have in your closet!
 P.S. You could pick any color ribbon and put it around the waist.

            Third We have our Floral Print shoes that anyone can love!    Their perfect for spring!Tell me what ones you guys would pick!


        Last but not least we have our Lovely make-up that will make
   You pop! Get this great spring glow!
    P.S. If you already don't want to try Blake Lively's Make-up Then try this one.





  1. Ahh love Blake's hair here! x

  2. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog!
    Blake Lively has UH-mazing style. She's one of my favorites. And I love the floral sandals, too. Nice picks!
