Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Places to go

thetravelerszone.com (Austria)
redbubble.com  (Paris, France)
funonthenet.in (Rome)
weirdworm.com ( Venice, Italy)
runawayjane.com ( The Caribbean)
clarkvision.com (Hawaii)
europeandestinations.org (Scotland)
couminolecottage.com (Ireland)

alcjourneys.com (Ireland)
 Have you ever wanted to go somewhere. Where you knew it would be fun but you didn't have the money or the time. I been wanting to go to a few different places for a few years now. Ive always wanted to go to Ireland, Scotland, Hawaii, the Caribbean, Italy, Rome, Paris, and Austria. I'm just waiting until I get older and can travel, but that's not what I want to do with my life when I go to college. I would love to travel to those places, but I'd do it after I went to college. Here are some pictures of the places...

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